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Technology Risk Assesment

Achieve business project objectives by applying a comprehensive technology risk management program starting earlier in the project life-cycle, typically during Business Case development.


  • Structured, proven methodology interlocks with your organisation’s existing risk management process.
  • Framework to identify, analyse, prioritise and manage technology risks, supported by world leading Risk Profiling Database.
  • Agreed risk categories for assessment of Technology Risk with your organisation’s management to ensure Risk Assessment consistency across projects. These categories typically include: Architecture, Business Continuity, Information Security, Supplier and External Parties, Service Delivery and Support.
  • Utilise Subject Matter Experts and key project stakeholders to identify technology risk in new projects and product developments to ensure your organisation fully recognises the potential impact of technology risk from early in the life-cycle. Montrose can supplement your organisation’s expertise with independent Subject Matter Experts.
  • Start Compliance analysis to your organisation’s architectures and policies much earlier. This includes seeking exemptions if they can be justified.
  • Detailed Report produced of all identified technology risks, including their consequences, preventive and corrective controls.


  • Provides the ability for Project Sponsors in your organisation to make technical choices whilst considering relevant technology risks based on solid risk analysis.
  • Allows the Project Sponsor to know and better manage the technology risk exposure of their projects on an ongoing basis. Enables your organisation to adopt a proactive rather than reactive approach to Risk Management.
  • Improves decision-making by choosing appropriate risk treatment options, increasing the likelihood of project success.
  • Leverage competitive advantage by being able to embrace opportunities with greater certainity.
  • Improves relationships between business stakeholders and technology experts, through face-to-face communication at workshops, as a basis for close communication throughout the life-cycle.
  • Takes the emotion out of risk management between business stakeholders and technology providers by documenting and co-managing risk mitigation strategies using a consistent approach.
  • Enables better utilisation of your organisation’s IT expenditure.
  • Provides ongoing basis for technology risk analysis throughout the project life cycle using a proven Risk Profile Database, rather than the common snap-shot approach (hard-copy Risk Assessment Reports). Delivers progressive Risk Management skills transfer to your organization.
  • Enables ad-hoc enquiry and flexible roll-up Risk Reporting using the Risk Profile Database. The Database can be queried easily by your organisation’s senior management. Project and summary level risk reporting are available electronically.
  • Combines expertise from Montrose, independent Subject Matter Experts and third party suppliers with your organisation’s expertise in a business driven process to manage technology risk while suggesting improvements in project delivery.
  • Enables reusability of Risk Profiles for future Risk Assessments.
  • Improves alignment with business and industry process standards, Australian & International Risk Management Standards (AS4360 & ISO10006), Quality Management standards (e.g. ISO 9001) and Project Management standards (e.g. those issued by Project Management Institute, USA).

Technology Risk Assessment Montrose Service Justification

Accurate technology risk assessment keeps your projects on track

The Montrose Technology Risk Management Approach proactively applies risk management to projects with a major technology component to ensure that related risks are managed as early as possible. Montrose facilitates relevant Subject Matter Experts to identify technology-related risks and associated impact and controls. Only once risks have been identified, can they then be transferred, accepted or mitigated using appropriate strategies.

Ensure an effective approach to new projects

The Montrose Technology Risk Assessment Service covers three phases: Risk Identification and Analysis, Risk Treatment and Risk Monitoring. This service can be customised for your organisation’s requirements.

Optimise technological choice

The Montrose TRA Approach provides your organisation with the opportunity to objectively assess the risks when making technical choices, early identification and mitigation of bottlenecks which can impact timely service delivery and consequently result in cost overruns and loss of productivity.

Improve project management competency

Drawing on the knowledge of Subject Matter Experts to identify risks and treatment options early in the project life cycle, the Montrose TRA Service enables risks to be mitigated early and consequently their impact to the project is reduced.

The electronic Project TRA Register is one of the deliverables of each Risk Assessment. This Register provides a basis for your Project Sponsor and Project Manager to review risk with their technology service providers throughout the project life cycle.

Streamline compliance as part of the risk management process

The determination of project compliance to your organisation’s policies and architectures is also part of the Montrose TRA Service. This enables your Project Sponsor to know early if the project is non-compliant, or not, why and then manage any gaps in the project’s compliance. The risks associated with compliance are also identified.

Note that even if the project is fully compliant to your organisation’s policies and architectures, this should not be interpreted as the project being “risk free”. Your Project Sponsor is then able to apply the results of this compliance assessment in determining the project’s future direction.

Reusability of Risk Profiles for future projects and improvement

Information gathered during the program can be applied to the current project under assessment. This information is stored in the Risk Profile Database and can then be used during subsequent TRA. Faster identification of technology risks will result from this approach. Change Management Programs can also utilise this knowledge to determine areas that require improvement.

Management of the TRA

  • Need for TRA recognised by Project Sponsor.
  • Initial briefing by Project Sponsor and Project Manager to Montrose Lead Consultant.
  • Montrose Lead Consultant documents agreed scope for the Risk Assessment.
  • Montrose Lead Consultant starts preparation of resources required for the Assessment.
  • An initial meeting is called by the Montrose Lead Consultant so that expectations can be set with key
    stakeholders regarding the scope of the TRA, the deliverables and their format and to set milestones during the TRA.
  • Montrose Lead Consultant manages to project plan, including milestones, with regular client progress

Montrose’s Delivery Reputation

Montrose was formed in 1994 and has a solid reputation for meeting clients’ requirements using speciality knowledge. Montrose Consultants have risk management consulting experience with major organisations across a number of industries. Montrose also offers independent subject matter expertise in Business Continuity Planning, Disaster Recovery Planning and Quality Management. Montrose uses alliances with other specialist consultancies to provide expertise in other technology risk categories (e.g. IT Security, Networking). All of this expertise can be readily applied when Montrose conducts TRAs.

Montrose offers independent advice without conflict of interest. At Montrose, we ensure that your organisation’s confidentiality is always managed with extreme care and that our services suit your organisation’s needs.

TRA Statement of Work

Following a brief visit (or via telephone discussion for interstate and overseas organisations), we can provide you with a free fixed price Statement of Work. If you would like to discuss your needs or to have a Statement of Work prepared, please Contact Us or call Ted Smillieon +61 2 9876 3939 or +61 4 10 505 019