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IT Service Management Workshop

Education Workshops in Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane and Canberra

According to Gartner, “the new ISO/IEC 20000 standard is set to become a cornerstone for improving the management of external service providers.”

ISO notes that “Today, IT service providers are under sustained pressure to deliver high quality service at minimum cost. Concerns have been raised that IT services, whether provided by an in-house IT department or an external organization, are not aligned with the needs of the business and its customers. ISO/IEC 20000 will reduce operational exposure to risk, meet contractual and tendering requirements, demonstrate service quality and deliver best value.”

Workshop Format:

This one-day workshop is highly interactive, combining presentations and exercises. Participants will learn about the first international standard for IT Service Management, ISO/IEC 20000:2005. This new standard replaces BS 15000, which was based on the IT Infrastructure Library (ITIL). The new standard integrates the process-based approach of ISO’s management system standards – ISO 9001:2000 and ISO 14001:2004.

ISO/IEC 20000:2005 Part 1: Specification provides requirements for IT service management . Part 2: Code of practice represents an industry consensus on guidance and assistance to service providers planning service improvements or to be audited against the standard. The Workshop covers Parts 1 and 2, providing a practical, step-by-step approach to implementing a compliant IT service management system. Working in groups, participants will gain hands-on experience in creating specific IT service management deliverables.

Comprehensive student workbooks contain the presentation materials, supplementary notes and references to web-based resources including templates, sample documents, checklists and tools

What will be covered?

IT Service Management Overview

  • Background – ITIL to BS15000 to ISO/IEC 20000:2005
  • Overview of ISO/IEC 20000:2005 service management processes
  • Requirements for a management system

Planning and implementing service management

  • Plan service management (Plan)
  • Implement service management and provide the services (Do)
  • Monitoring, measuring and reviewing (Check)
  • Continual improvement (Act)
  • Planning and implementing new or changed services

Service delivery processes

  • Service level management
  • Service reporting
  • Service continuity and availability management
  • Budgeting and accounting for IT services
  • Capacity management
  • Information security management

Relationship and Resolution Processes

  • Business relationship management
  • Supplier management
  • Incident management
  • Problem management

Control and Release Processes

  • Configuration management
  • Change management
  • Release management

About your workshop leader, Ted Smillie

Ted is Director, Quality Assurance Services at Montrose Computer Services. He is past NSW and current National Chairman, Software Quality Association. His specialties are Software Process Improvement, Software Project Management, Software Quality Assurance and Software Testing.

Other activities include work as an IT auditor on internal and external audits. Ted has conducted numerous ISO 9001 certification audits. He has also assessed clients’ compliance with ISO 15504 (SPICE), AS4360, Risk management, AS 7799, Information security management and ISO/IEC 20000, IT Service management.

Ted has published numerous articles and is a regular speaker at IT conferences on topics which include IT Benchmarking, IT Project Planning, Software QA & Testing, Data Quality, Software Metrics and e-Commerce issues. He has run internal and external training courses in Australia, USA, China, Singapore, Malaysia and PNG and has consulted to over 80 clients, including Australia Post, Australian Quarantine & Inspection Service, National Computer Board Singapore, Optus, Permanent Trustee, State Rail Authority NSW and UTS, Sydney.